by Phil Newcomb | Feb 16, 2025 | Enterprise Trail Reports, Notifications, Trail Reports
The groomer peddled the fat bike around the short loop. It was slow but rideable. Don’t be discouraged by the first cedar swamp. It was a bit challenging but things got a lot better after that. The more bikes and snowshoes that hit the trail, the faster it will...
by Phil Newcomb | Feb 16, 2025 | Enterprise Trail Reports, Notifications, Trail Reports
Enterprise was groomed on Saturday night. It looks beautiful. That means it is pretty and perfect for snowshoes. It is not known yet how firm the base is for biking until we see how it sets up. Every snowshoe that walks the trail will help.
by Phil Newcomb | Feb 11, 2025 | Enterprise Trail Reports, Notifications, Trail Reports
Enterprise trail was groomed for fat biking and showshoeing on Saturday, and then again yesterday 02/10/25. As this was the first significant snow, there is no base below the snow we received in Saturday. Fat biking is difficult, and will be until both snowshoers and...
by Phil Newcomb | Feb 8, 2025 | Enterprise Trail Reports, Notifications, Trail Reports
Enterprise Fat Bike and Snowshoe Trail was packed today and all of the swamps were finished in a beautiful corduroy. The entire system should set up nicely tonight at zero degrees. Snowshoers will be pleased. If you ride your bikes, be prepared for extended miles of a...
by Phil Newcomb | Feb 5, 2025 | Enterprise Trail Reports, Notifications, Trail Reports
Enterprise recieved 1-2 inches of snow on February 2nd and was groomed on the 4th. There was enough snow to smooth out the trail in the upland areas, but the swamps could use another 4-6 inches to fill in the low centers. You might be able to ride the swamps, so give...