The Rhinelander Northwoods Composite (RNC) Mountain Bike Team will be hosting a Try It Out event on May 22nd at the Washburn Trails in Rhinelander. Riders in 5th through 12rh grade and their parents are welcome to join our friendly coaches and current team members on the trail to learn more about the sport. All abilities are welcome! No obligations. Youth from Rhinelander and all surrounding areas welcome!
Register Here:…/60B0C45AFA62BA1F49…
What is the RNC? The RNC team consists of middle and high schoolers from numerous school districts around Rhinelander. The team practices in the evenings twice a week July – October at the Washburn Trails. Team rides are raucous and fun – teaching bike handling skills and buliding endurance. All team members are invited to join the team at any or all the 6 races hosted by statewide. Racing is totally optional. Join us at a Try It Out event to learn more.
Team members, bring a friend!